Northwest Arkansas
Economic Development District
Your Partner For
Community and
Economic Growth
Northwest Arkansas
Economic Development District
Your Partner For
Community and
Economic Growth
Welcome to the Northwest Arkansas Economic Development District
We serve as an important link between the private and public sectors. Together we work to advance economic and community development in Northwest Arkansas.
Community & Economic Development
Transportation Services
Workforce Development
The Northwest Arkansas Economic Development District was established in 1967 and subsequently funded in part by Arkansas Act 118 of 1969 based upon the template set by Congress in 1965 by Public Law 89-136, known as the Public Works and Economic Development Act.
Project Development
Jobs Created & Retained
Transportation Services
North Arkansas Transportation Service (NATS) provides affordable public transportation throughout Baxter, Boone, Carrol, Fulton, Izard, Madison, Marion, Newton, and Searcy Counties.
NWAEDD Resources

2024-2028 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
View and download the Northwest Arkansas Economic Development District’s 2024-2028 comprehensive economic development strategy (CEDS) that identifies economic and community development priorities for the District.

PROUDLY SERVING Northwest Arkansas

Northwest Arkansas is one of the fastest growing regions in the United States. Renowned for its scenic beauty, bustling business climate and affordable cost of living, Northwest Arkansas is expected to double in population before 2050.