Workforce Development
Northwest Arkansas Workforce Development programs provide resources for both job seekers and employers. At Arkansas Workforce Centers, valuable employment and training services work to assure that successful employment matches are made.
With core funding from the U.S. Department of Labor, the Workforce team helps plan and implement programs which provide a dynamic, integrated workforce system.
Process improvement is continuous to meet the ever-changing needs of businesses and individuals residing in the region. Facilities, resources, and training all work together to encourage learning, earning, and living.
Entities interested in further information regarding Workforce Development Programs can do so by contacting Ms. Patty Methvin, NWAEDD Workforce Administrator via phone at (870) 741-6873 or by email.

Workforce programs partner with colleges and other service programs locally, along with the Department of Workforce Services, to provide a one-stop approach to match job seekers with the best employment opportunities.